Project Duration – Oct 2020- March 2021
Supporting Government of India’s goal of sustainable cooling in India (through India’s Cooling Action Plan-ICAP), IORA is working closely with the World Bank to design a policy roadmap for the implementation of ICAP. Focussing on strengthening of the existing policies, programmes and initiatives, the work entails development of actionable measures for implementation of ICAP in key thematic areas including space cooling in buildings, cold chain and refrigeration (agriculture and health) and transport air conditioning. The roadmap will chart out selected interventions in policy, financing and institutions as well as technology and design. This will assist in reducing the cooling demand, associated energy demand and GHG emissions from the above sectors. IORA has designed a series of interconnected steps for identification of holistic, viable, and scalable interventions, which will operate through partnerships with various stakeholders to identify measures towards successful implementation of ICAP.