Project Duration – Sep. 2018-Jan 2020
Department of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of Mizoram commissioned a vulnerability assessment of the forestry sector in the state. The overall goal of the project is to safeguard the forest and biodiversity sectors of Mizoram from the impacts of climate change. Carried out across eight districts of Mizoram, the vulnerability assessment identified and prioritised the most vulnerable zones in the state using an indicator-based approach. It also assessed the future vulnerability impacts across the districts. A combination of top down and bottom up approaches using IPCC and UNDP guidelines were used to develop a sector specific climate change resilience action plan for Mizoram. The findings were validated with stakeholders and officials from line departments and detailed interventions for vulnerability reduction were proposed. The interventions were designed such that they can be easily taken up in Mizoram’s forest and developmental plans, helping policy makers in prioritising climate smart adaptation actions.