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UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

UP Government comes out with a new State Action Plan on Climate Change.|

About Us

IORA Ecological Solutions, Pvt. Ltd. is an environmental advisory group with expertise in natural resource conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation. Founded in 2009, IORA’s multi-disciplinary expertise in finance, policy advisory and scientific research alongside the firm’s experience and proven ability to design and implement projects across the globe.

Our Mission

Regenerate and restore natural ecosystems to ensure long-term sustainability based on rigorous science, technology, and community-based approaches.

Our Vision

Enable climate action through integrated nature-based solutions in India.

About IORA

IORA Ecological Solutions, Pvt. Ltd. is an environmental advisory group with expertise in natural resource conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation. Founded in 2009, IORA’s multi-disciplinary expertise in finance, policy advisory and scientific research alongside the firm’s experience and proven ability to design and implement projects across the globe.

Our Vision

Enable climate action through integrated nature-based solutions in India.

Our Mission

Regenerate and restore natural ecosystems to ensure long-term sustainability based on rigorous science, technology, and community-based approaches.

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