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We identify concerns and appropriate measures towards strengthening ecosystem based management and restoration of forest landscapes.

Recent Projects

National Technical Assistance to Analyze Data and Design Best Practices During Updation of Forest Working Plan

Client:- Assam Projects on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society (APFBC)

IORA has assisted in updating 21 Working Plans in Assam as per NWPC-2014 using global best practices and latest technology. IORA has provided technical assistance to analyze the data, update relevant portions of the Working Plans and train forest department personnel on NWPC-2014. IORA also aided to access upcoming national and international financial instruments like REDD+, NAMAs, INDCs, Green India Mission. IORA worked on integrating remote sensing analysis and GIS with the working plans in a seamless manner, and created robust datasets. IORA has also developed a mobile app (MForest) to ensure mainstreaming of best practices for future working plan exercises.

Preparation of Forest Landscape Restoration report based on IUCN’s “Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)” in targeted Indian states

Client:- IUCN

IORA is contributing towards India’s Land Degradation Neutrality Goal and Bonn Challenge Commitments under the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) Project implemented by IUCN in partnership with National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB) and Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC). The project is supporting land restoration opportunities across five states- Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Nagaland. Our work involves identification of drivers of degradation across selected pilot locations in each state and mapping of potential restoration opportunities using the ROAM Methodology. The project findings are constantly validated through stakeholder engagement to gain insights on the current state of play, identifying challenges and potential measures to address degradation in the landscape. The end goal is to recommend suitable FLR interventions, including cost-benefit analysis for each restoration activity and report on carbon analysis for different types of FLR interventions.

Forest-PLUS: forest for water and prosperity (Forest-PLUS 2.0)


Forest-PLUS 2.0 aims to improve management of targeted forest landscapes in India supporting enhancement of ecosystem services and increase in inclusive economic opportunities for forest dependent communities. The program was implemented across three forest divisions- Gaya (Bihar), Medak (Telangana) and Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala). IORA provided technical expertise to MoEFCC and State Forest Departments in improving management of forest landscapes. We contributed towards forest landscape planning, management and monitoring and development of Forest Working Plans. IORA finalised the development of two decision support systems (DSS), one each for forestry and non-forestry use. Our contribution also included the development of Van 3.0, an integrated system for collection of forest inventory and ecosystem data (mobile app), and automation of data storage and analysis (web portal) for Working Plan preparation for each selected state, using NWPC 2014. In conjunction with these, work was cemented on the development of Landscape Management Plans (LMP) and Incentive Based Mechanisms (IBMs) for the three landscapes. We also provided direction for inclusion of gender aspects across all project activities and tools.

Participatory Integrated Landscape Level Management Plan and Strategy for Jammu & Kashmir Landscape under SECURE-Himalaya.

Client:- MOEFCC, GoI and UNDP

The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India along with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has commenced a new GEF funded project, SECURE Himalaya (Securing livelihoods, conservation, sustainable use and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems) in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim. The project aims to assist the national and state governments to effectively promote sustainable land and forest management in alpine pastures in the Himalayan ecosystems that secure sustainable livelihoods and ensure conservation of globally significant biodiversity and threatened species. IORA prepared the Integrated Landscape Level Management Strategy and Plans for Ladakh and Sikkim landscapes. We mapped the landuse, vegetation cover and biodiversity in the areas adjoining Protected Areas (PA) of Gya – Meru and Rong in Sikkim, and Tsomoriri and Tso Kar lake basins in Ladakh. The team undertook multiple stakeholder consultations with line departments, NGOs and local communities to identify major issues faced by the people and devise mitigation strategies. We defined the landscape boundaries in terms of physical boundaries, biodiversity values, land use land cover and socio-economic profiles of the local communities.

National Technical Assistance to Analyze Data and Design Best Practices During Updation of Forest Working Plan

Client:- Assam Projects on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society (APFBC)

IORA assisted in updating 21 Working Plans in Assam as per NWPC-2014, using global best practices and latest technology. We provided technical assistance to analyse the data, update relevant portions of the Working Plans and train forest department personnel on NWPC-2014. We assessed upcoming national and international financial instruments like REDD+, NAMAs, INDCs, Green India Mission to indicate potential synergies between the working plans and the instruments. and integrated remote sensing analysis and GIS with the working plans to create robust datasets.

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