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Climate Risk, Resilience and Adaptation Planning

Our climate risk assessments help identify cost-effective and pragmatic policy, technology, financial and institutional solutions. We develop climate impact matrices to identify risks and opportunities for developmental activities also covering disaster risk profile of landscapes

Recent Projects

Analysis of Climate Change Vulnerability / Risk Assessment Methodologies and Tools in Indian Context

As part of the project for GIZ India, our team strategised a set of comprehensive climate change vulnerability assessments (VRA) consultations with a wide range of stakeholders from policy, academia, industry and think tanks for multiple sectors in order to understand the challenges faced by practitioners of VRA and the capacity needs of other stakeholders of VRA. The purpose of this project was to analyse existing VRA methodologies, identify gaps and limitations, and further recommend means of strengthening the existing frameworks or methodologies applied in India. Basis the analysis, recommendations to enhance the robustness of current methodologies (with reference to IPCC Assessment Reports in the Indian context) were given. These recommendation further enabled the State Government to effectively mainstream and integrate climate change actions into departmental action plans.

Developing Roadmap for Implementation of ICAP

Supporting Government of India’s goal of sustainable cooling in India (through India’s Cooling Action Plan-ICAP), IORA is working closely with the World Bank to design a policy roadmap for the implementation of ICAP. Focussing on strengthening of the existing policies, programmes and initiatives, the work entails development of actionable measures for implementation of ICAP in key thematic areas including space cooling in buildings, cold chain and refrigeration (agriculture and health) and transport air conditioning. The roadmap will chart out selected interventions in policy, financing and institutions as well as technology and design. This will assist in reducing the cooling demand, associated energy demand and GHG emissions from the above sectors. IORA has designed a series of interconnected steps for identification of holistic, viable, and scalable interventions, which will operate through partnerships with various stakeholders to identify measures towards successful implementation of ICAP.

Roadmap Mainstreaming Climate Action and Disaster Risk Management in Sikkim

Towards integrating actions on climate change and disaster risk management in Sikkim, we developed an actionable roadmap that identified and prioritised areas of action in spheres of policy, investments, knowledge, and institutional capacity for key climate-relevant and disaster-prone sectors in the state. Supported by the World Bank, the project analysed the current capacity of Sikkim in addressing and dealing with climate and disaster risks through an extensive analysis of the existing SAPCC and Disaster Risk Management Plans in the state. Post a detailed analysis of current institutional capacity, policy framework, and investments for each of the focus areas, we recommended for suitable risk mitigation strategies, institutional structure, and a financing plan. The review assisted in developing a clear understanding of the existing knowledge systems on climate change and disasters in the state, risk monitoring & reporting frameworks, future climate change projections, and GHG emission trends. The project assisted in the identification of over 100 interventions to address the gaps in knowledge creation, policy development, institutional capacity building, and investments. 39 high-priority interventions across 8 focus areas were also finalised using the Multi-Criteria Decision Approach (MCDA) Framework and US Government’s STAPLEE Method.

Feasibility Study on MoEFCC Advisory Service for Line Ministries to Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation for Climate Resilient Infrastructure

The project implemented by the MoEFCC and GIZ, developed capacities in the areas of climate protection, resilience and NDC implementation as well as transdisciplinary issues. It promoted network-building with relevant stakeholders, established linkages with national and international research institutions and supported the establishment of a publicly available knowledge platform (for climate change adaptation). IORA in consultation with GIZ and relevant technical institutions designed an institutional framework for the flow of advisory service.

Developing Practitioners’ Guidebook and providing Technical Support for Capacity Development Programme on Climate Change Adaptation

IORA supported Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Telangana and Tamil Nadu to impart training to state and district level officials for integrating climate change adaptation into the development programmes. We undertook 12 state level workshops and developed a guidebook for Master Trainers Programme, which was subsequently used for training state and district level officials, policy makers and community members at the implementation stage. A state wise practitioners’ guidebook was also customised for every official. The designed guide on Climate Change Adaptation-Rural Adaptation in India included: i) Target state specific strategy, methodology and mode for delivering trainings ii) Inventory of background documents (concept notes, agenda, case studies etc.) for each training programme.

Developing Innovative Concepts on Adaptation (NAFCC)

Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India (CCA-RAI) intended to develop new concepts to leverage funds from National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) for newer adaptation projects. The overall objective of this initiative was to analyse the ongoing NAFCC projects and to develop concepts/projects for innovative ideas on adaptation (linking different states, sectors and stakeholders). IORA conducted a detailed analysis of the 27 NAFCC projects and identified key areas of possible reforms. Further, 6 innovative concepts (Building Climate Resilient Value Chains of India specific Medicinal Plants, Brahmaputra Basin, Urban Infrastructure in Coastal Cities, Agriculture Infrastructure, Cauvery Basin and Health Sector) were developed for funding.

Developing a National Adaptation Plan for India

IORA developed the National Adaptation Plan of India, which enlisted specific adaptation strategies for Water resources, Agriculture, Forest and Biodiversity, Himalayan and mountainous ecosystems, Coastal Zones, Energy and Disaster risk reduction. The plan was developed after critically assessing the vulnerabilities and impacts. Financial resources for budget requirements were also identified.

Development of Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans at Panchayat Samiti Level and strengthen response capacity in 30 Panchayat Samiti of Chamba, Kangra, Kinnaur and Shimla districts of Himachal Pradesh

IORA developed disaster preparedness and response plans at Panchayat Samiti level and to strengthen response capacity in 30 Panchayat Samitis across Himachal Pradesh. We prepared individual plans consisting of training manuals and SOPs, that outlined roles of Panchayat members for each village. IORA also carried out Disaster Response Mock drills in all Panchayat Samitis to assess the effectiveness of their disaster preparedness and response plans.

Assessing community climate risk in Majuli, Assam

IORA assessed the trends of floods and erosion in Majuli under this project. We also evaluated climate change impacts on these Hazards, ascertained escalated hazard risks on communities through FGDs (64 villages across 20 Gram Panchayats in Majuli); determined community adaptive capacities; and designed climate resilient adaptation actions with budgets and probable source of funding to ensure long term preparedness.

Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development in Assam: Towards Carbon Neutral Majuli

IORA conceptualized and designed a carbon neutrality roadmap for Majuli. Majuli aims to be India’s first Carbon neutral district. We identified 19 interventions in key sectors, such as energy, water, transportation, agriculture, waste management and carbon sequestration, and proposed a tentative budget (~1200 Cr over a period of 3 years), as well as mapped the sources for financing the suggested actions.

Development of TNA Package Including Development of Selected Training Modules Aiming at Conservation and Sustainable, Climate-Resilient Management of Fish and Invertebrate Stocks in the North Eastern Region Of India

GIZ India aims to improve the knowledge and management capacities of state and local stakeholders for the conservation of aquatic species across Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Manipur, and support their sustainable and climate-friendly management. To achieve this, GIZ India has engaged Iora to carry out the training needs assessment and develop an updated curriculum in the North Eastern Himalayan Region of India (NERAQ) project states. We will also support the development of the Training of Trainer (ToT) toolkit and devise a Standard Operating Procedure in local languages for easy dissemination of the training modules.

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